Welcome to Easy Magic University


This is “Your” NEW after school program

solution that gives kids Magic activities,

games and FUN.


Boy smiling at magic class holding up a card.

An after school program like no other

 In this unique after school program, kids learn to unwind,

are taught new skills and play with others.

You just need to sit back and relax.

  • A Typical Workshop

  • The kids start out with Roll call, greeting each other and demonstrating their magic

  • We then teach them a new trick and have practice sessions

  • Video time teaching them the 8 traits of a true magician

  • Games! Always need Games

  • Next we give them their Magic Folders showing more tricks, history and fun project

  • A little quiet time for them to practice

  • Back to magic and a discussion on their ideas 

  • Next Magic Trick to show and learn

  • Games while we wait for the parents to appear by Magic

  • The last workshop, the kids perform for their families and friends. Rumors of Ice Cream have been heard.

Call Steph at 978-486-4242

What makes Discover Magic truly special is its structure.

    We are leveraging the power and excitement of learning magic secrets to get kids to put down their electronic devices and

    learn important social skills that will last a lifetime.

    Our purpose is to teach respect, inspire creativity, encourage preparation and so much more all in a safe, friendly, fun environment.

    Crowd of kids laughing at a magic show.
    Boy smiling with deck of cards.
    Girl smiling with magic folder.